This is in regard to your op-ed piece in
The Guard
concerning peak oil and possible oil substitutes. I was at the university for
many years and for a time head of the Geology Department, but I don’t believe
we overlapped as some 20 years ago I returned to industry.
My background for commenting
on your article is some 50 years’ involvement in various ways in the oil
industry both here and abroad, including running for several years the
exploration and production oil field development in
Also in the process of
looking at worldwide oil prospects, I looked at alternative energy sources, and
was a lecturer before the Brazilian National Nuclear Energy Commission in
Peak oil and energy in
general have risen to become major national and international concerns, as it
should be as energy runs the modern world.
The world now uses not 20
billion barrels of oil a year, but 30 billion. Current daily use is nearly 85 million,
so multiply it by 365. The peak of world oil discovery was in 1965, and it has
been all downhill since. Last year in new discoveries we found about 7 billion
barrels and, by drilling in and around old fields we added another 7
billion—total 14 billion, far short of the 30 billion consumed. In 2004, no
major oil company and most smaller ones did
totally replace
their production. Some went “drilling on Wall Street,” such as Chevron which
bought Unocal.
Mergers indicate the
industry is downsizing. Around the world more than half the oil-producing
countries have passed their peak of production. In 1999, Dr. Richard Duncan and
I published a paper on peak oil. We took 42 countries representing 98 percent
of world oil production and came out with the year 2007. This is of course a
rough estimate, but we think the peak is not far off. An independent study by
Dr. A. M. Samsam Bakhtiari of the Iranian National Oil Company came up with
essentially the same date, as well as did studies by the Association for the
Study of Peak Oil [ASPO] (
There are about 600
sedimentary basins around the world. Exxon has looked at all of them. About 200
are significantly productive, and the best by far have been rather thoroughly
drilled. What is left is expensive and marginal. The remaining oil will cost a
lot more. Investor-owned oil companies only fully control about 6 percent of
world oil reserves. The rest is largely or wholly controlled by NOCs―national
oil companies. They are now in the driver’s seat and they know it and make it ever
more difficult with whom to do business. Cheap oil is gone.
We are now drilling more and
finding less oil per foot drilled; we are not finding any more big oil fields.
And more than half the world’s oil comes from fields discovered before 1973.
More than half of Saudi oil comes from the Ghawar field discovered in 1948. But
they are now pumping in 7 million barrels of saltwater/day to keep up the
pressure. It is gradually going to water. Matthew Simmons is a good friend and
kindly sent me a copy of his recent book,
Twilight in the Desert: the Coming
Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy. It is available locally. Do get it,
as it presents the basic petroleum engineering facts behind the Saudi oil
fields. Neither Simmons nor I believe that the prospects for increased Saudi
oil production are as great as they claim. Also, the remaining oil is of lesser
quality than that already produced.
In regard to substitutes for
oil: There is
no comprehensive substitute for oil in its myriad end
uses, high energy density, ease of transport and handling, and in the volumes
in which we now use it. Oil is much more than energy, the context in which most
people think of it. There are miles and miles of roads paved with billions of
tops of asphalt―the bottoms of oil refining operations for which there is
absolutely no substitute. Try paving roads with hydrogen in the projected
“hydrogen economy.”
Biomass is now being
promoted as the possible substitute for oil. This has been given a great deal
of study. The problem is that the net energy recovery is low for biomass
alternatives, and what is neglected is the depleting effect on soils of
continuing to remove the biomass and not allowing it to return to the soil as
humus, where it is the most important part of soil, retaining moisture and
keeping the soil loose. Visit
The problem is that we are
living on a great inheritance, and soon will have to live on the daily ration
of alternative energy sources. Sun and wind not being dependable base loads,
can only be partially integrated into the electric grid. Repeated studies in
This brings up the other
half of the energy problem usually ignored in energy studies―the matter of
population and population growth. The energy problem can never be solved as
long as we are shooting at a continually moving target: Population growth. Even
with our huge use of nonrenewable energy sources, we do not now provide a
decent living to nearly 40 percent of the world’s population. But population is
projected to rise to 9.3 billion by 2050 (Population Reference Bureau, 2005
world population chart). This is a disaster in the making. But rarely do energy
studies mention population, and for politicians it is a forbidden topic. But
population growth is the root of many, if not most, of our major problems. We
have clearly overshot the sustainable carrying capacity of the planet (National
Academy of Sciences study, 2003).
The foregoing is only a
brief introduction to the whole matter of energy and population; they are
essentially one and the same problem.
This is the century when
many fundamental realities will arrive. We are currently ill-prepared for them.
The future needs more attention than it has been getting.