Letters to the Editor - Winter 1995-1996

By Stephen Mumford
Published in The Social Contract
Volume 6, Number 2 (Winter 1995-1996)
Issue theme: "Affirmative action for immigrants?"


Congratulations on your treatment of the fine piece by Richard M. Hadden, 'New Vistas for Diplomacy,' which appeared in The Social Contract, Fall 1995. It is well written and attractively positioned.

The book Mr. Hadden has reviewed for you, Religion The Missing Dimension of Statecraft, may be part of a trend toward recognition of an element in national problem-solving too often ignored. Doubtless you are aware of another volume with this emphasis, Stephen L. Carter, The Culture of Disbelief, which President Clinton has quoted. Carter, a Yale law professor, makes the point that although the vast majority of Americans have a significant sense of the importance of spiritual concerns, our culture conspires to suppress either speaking about them or acting on them.

Again, thanks for your work.


T. Willard Hunter

Claremont, California

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Keep up the great work. The Social Contract is the most intellectually honest periodical published in the population/immigration field - and there are no close seconds.

Sincerely yours,

Stephen D. Mumford, Dr.P.H.

Research Triangle Park, N. Carolina

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The Social Contract is excellent. Its truth is undeniable. If only more policy makers read it.

People must come to realize that the collapse of advanced civilization now happening in southern California is just a foretaste of what massive immigration will bring [to] the whole country. Virtually every level of government here is near bankruptcy. Law enforcement is stretched thin, health care for the poor is disappearing, public education is the nation's most crowded.

If we value the idea of civilization as we have known it, we must keep that idea alive. Here in California the massive influx of poor immigrants is killing that idea. Soon it will die everywhere as welfare and medicare are cut back further and further. We can't take care of everybody, and soon we will take of nobody. The ideals of a caring and decent society will end here, as they ended in Russia.

We have to choose which we value more, an open door policy or an advanced humane society. There is no way we can have both, and in time we will probably have neither.


Ms. D. Searcy

Morongo Valley, California

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The Social Contract is a splendid publication. I am doing what I can to promote it.

Keep up the good work!

Ronald Hilton

Hoover Institution

Stanford, California

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Please cancel my subscription. I have irreconcilable differences with your publication.

Michael Beck

Assistant Editor, Population Report

Glendale, California

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I read every copy from cover to cover and really appreciate the valuable information.


James G. Matthews, D.O.

Grand Prairie, Texas

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'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.' (- Margaret Mead)

I first became acquainted with The Social Contract through a dear friend intensely devoted to exposing the absolute absurdity of our insane immigration laws and policies. And, because of your special offer of a reduced rate I was able to fit a one-year subscription into the very limited budget of a retired senior citizen.

Since this year seems to be the best (and maybe the last) chance to get effective reform, I want to support all those organizations and individuals who have, in the words of Margaret Mead quoted at the beginning of this letter, strived for so long to protect the American Dream from the onslaught of foreigners. I want to avail myself of all truths about the damage being done to our beloved country so I can refute pro-immigration falsehoods.

And, because of another reduced rate, I was able to become the proud owner of Mr. Beck's Re-Charting America's Future. It is great! I use it constantly to debunk immigration myths.

As a citizen of a state (Texas) bordering a foreign nation (Mexico) I live daily with the destructive consequences of all forms of immigration. Those consequences will continue to worsen as the flow of aliens continues to increase. Texas is definitely headed for the same fate as California.


W. O. McCright

Austin, Texas

Copyright 2007 The Social Contract Press, 445 E Mitchell Street, Petoskey, MI 49770; ISSN 1055-145X
(Article copyrights extend to the first date the article was published in The Social Contract)