Geo Destinies in the Coming Age of Geo Scarcity

The Social Contract Press

Leon Kolankiewicz, Californians for Population Stabilization, discusses Ecological carrying capacity as contrasted with human carrying capacity. He discusses our ecological footprint and consequences of biological overshoot with respect to demand for diminishing natural resources.

The concept of EROEI (Energy Return on Energy Invested) is explained in the context of the economic principle of diminishing marginal returns and Second Law of Thermodynamics (entropy increases).

The fallacy of cornucopianism is contrasted with the present reality that we are depleting finite natural resources - in particular minerals - as explained in the book "GeoDestinies" by Dr. Walter Youngquist.

Fossil fuel extraction and demand is correlated with exponential population growth.

Leon Kolankiewicz on Geo Scarcities

Chris Clugston, author of "Scarcity - Humanity's Final Chapter?" explains how we are exceeding our nonrenewable natural resources (NNRs).

Geologically-imposed austerity is becoming the "new normal". Nonrenewable natural resources are the enablers of the American way of life, yet they are not available in sufficient quantity to completely address humanity's requirements. This is correlated with increasing long-term price increases and long-term stagnation of material standards of living.

Chris Clugston on Geo Scarcities

Tom Whipple of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO) explains Peak Oil as the all-time maximum rate at which the world's oil is being produced. He discusses global oil production and peak oil.

Various types and sources of petroleum are discussed, along with their uses. Whipple discusses petroleum resources, reserves, and flows. While we are depleting petroleum resources, demand is growing, especially in China.

The energy requirements (in terms of EROEI) to produce a barrel of oil are increasing, as are the costs of oil production. The hype of self-sufficiency is discussed, and fracking is shown to be inadequate in the long term.

Tom Whipple on Geo Scarcities

Next: The Changing Character of U.S. Immigration

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Watch on Youtube: Geo Destinies in the Coming Age of Geo Scarcity - Leon Kolankiewicz
The Social Contract channel

Bitchute: Geo Destinies in the Coming Age of Geo Scarcity - Leon Kolankiewicz
The Social Contract channel

Rumble: Geo Destinies in the Coming Age of Geo Scarcity - Leon Kolankiewicz
The Social Contract channel


Watch on Youtube: Geo Destinies in the Coming Age of Geo Scarcity - Chris Clugston
The Social Contract channel

Bitchute: Geo Destinies in the Coming Age of Geo Scarcity - Chris Clugston
The Social Contract channel

Rumble: Geo Destinies in the Coming Age of Geo Scarcity - Chris Clugston
The Social Contract channel


Watch on Youtube: Geo Destinies in the Coming Age of Geo Scarcity - Tom Whipple
The Social Contract channel

Bitchute: Geo Destinies in the Coming Age of Geo Scarcity - Tom Whipple
The Social Contract channel

Rumble: Geo Destinies in the Coming Age of Geo Scarcity - Tom Whipple
The Social Contract channel