Common Sense on Mass Immigration - A Collection of Mini-Essays
The Social Contract Press
- Introduction: Immigration Clichés by Richard Lamm
- Keeping Expansive America to a Manageable Size by Diana Hull
- National Security by Peter Gadiel
- Personal Security / Crime by Brenda Walker
- Economy and Jobs by Rob Sanchez
- Education by Peter Brimelow
- Mass Immigration, Language, and Assimilation by K.C. McAlpin
- Basic Freedoms by John Vinson
- Health Care Costs by Edwin Rubenstein
- Mass Immigration and Public Health by Wayne Lutton
- Taxes: Social Security Costs by John Attarian
- Taxes: Welfare Costs by John Rohe
- Amnesty and Visa Lottery by Rosemary Jenks
- Resources and Sprawl by Roy Beck
- Mass Immigration: Identification by Robert Kyser
- Invasion Clause: Article IV, Section 4 by Bob Park
- Public Opinion Polls by Dan Stein
- Scapegoating Immigrants by John Tanton
- Official English in the World by Gabriel Schaefer
- Kris Eggle’s Story
Common Sense on Mass Immigration - A Collection of Mini-Essays

John H. Tanton, M.D., Editor
ISBN: 1-881780-26-0
This booklet is intended to help inject immigration policy into contemporary issue debates. Its purpose is public education. It neither endorses nor opposes any candidate for public office.
We have tried to make this publication as concise as possible. Because there was limited space to print these messages, annotated versions of most articles are posted on our website. Search under the title or author of each chapter.
Published by
Petoskey, MI
Copyright 2004, 2006
Revised Second Edition, 2011
To order copies, see below.
Cover art used by permission of:
9/11 Families for a Secure America
Purchase Common Sense on Mass Immigration.