Commentary as compelling now as it was then!

By Various
Volume 22, Number 2 (Winter 2011-2012)
Issue theme: "AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Silence?"

“I take no issue with those who would praise the contributions which have been made to our society by people of many races, of varied creeds and colors. However, we have in the United States today hard-core, indigestible blocs which have not become integrated into the American way of life, but which, on the contrary are its deadly enemies. Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain. The solution of the problems of Europe and Asia will not come through a transplanting of those problems en masse to the United States.... I do not intend to become prophetic, but if the enemies of this legislation [the McCarran–Walter Act], succeed in riddling it to pieces, or in amending it beyond recognition, they will have contributed more to promote this nation’s downfall than any other group since we achieved our independence as a nation.”

—Congressman Francis Walter (D-PA), March 2, 1953

“A really hidden problem, which appears completely invisible to Congress and the public, is that of the endlessly snowballing non-quota immigrants (relatives of legal residents and citizens). Obviously the more relatives you bring in, the more there are to bring in, for relatives have relatives ad infinitum.  And immigrants are not coming to bleed and die for freedom like the pioneers, but to board the gravy train. It appears to be part of the country-wide problem of no will, no guts.”

—Alan Speek, former Immigration and Naturalization Service Inspector, Human Events, April 30, 1977

“In 375 years we have civilized and populated a virtually empty continent. Fifty million immigrants, from English Pilgrims to Vietnamese boat people, multiplied to produce a population of more than 226 million people by 1980. For over a century we have had laws placing limits on immigration. Today we no longer have the work force requirements of an underpopulated nation with a rapidly expanding economy. Now we must set immigration limits to meet modern conditions of massive unemployment, resources shortages, and overcrowding.”

—Palmer Stacy and Wayne Lutton, The Immigration Time Bomb  (American Immigration Control Foundation, 1985)

“Americans are being told that to redeem themselves from their past sins, they must give way to, and even merge with, the cultures they have oppressed or excluded in the past. But for a culture to deny its own ‘false’ legitimacy, as America is now called upon to do, does not create a society free of false legitimacy; it simply means creating a vacuum of legitimacy—and thus a vacuum of power—into which other cultures, replete with their own ‘imperialistic lies,’ will move. Training Hispanic and other immigrant children in American public schools to have their primary loyalty to their native cultures is not to create a new kind of bicultural, cosmopolitan citizenry; it is to systematically downgrade our national culture while raising the status and power of other cultures. As James Burnham has shown in The Machiavellians, we need to see the real meaning (a concern with power) that is concealed behind the formal meaning of various idealistic slogans. The formal meaning of ‘diversity,’ ‘cultural equity,’ ‘gorgeous mosaic’ and so on is a society in which many different cultures will live together in perfect equality and peace (i.e., a society that has never existed and never will exist); the real meaning of these slogans is that the power of the existing mainstream society to determine its own destiny shall be drastically reduced while the power of other groups, formerly marginal or external to that society, will be increased. In other words the U.S. must, in the name of diversity, abandon its particularity while the very groups making that demand shall hold on to theirs.”

—Laurence Auster, The Path to National Suicide  (American Immigration Control Foundation, 1990)